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Kevin Peterson

Zscaler's top external consultant, providing the best services experience to Zscaler's strategic customers. 
Kevin Peterson Zscaler Headshot
executive overview

The Zenith of Zscaler Professional Services

When Zscaler account executives, technical account managers (TAMs), customer success managers (CSMs), professional services engineers, and their customers need everything from a world-class deployment to a truly comprehensive health check for those already deployed, they call the best they can. 

  • Fully immersed in Zscaler since 2013, including 4 years as Zscaler's first Director, Security & Network Transformation.
  • Author of many of Zscaler's technical white papers and education study guides. 
  • Hands-on deployment architect and support for many of Zscaler's top strategic accounts. 

Delivery Services

Top customers demand clarity when it comes to decision making. No one wants to hear an endless string of "it depends" when what they need is an experience-driven "here's the right recommendation to match your environment". 

From start to finish, your deployment will exceed that of any other single resource. 

Risk Management

When a customer said "We can't afford to get compromised by a security breach", Kevin rolled out Risk360 along with ZIA and ZPA. 

Result: The customer now has the lowest "Risk of Compromise" score of any Zscaler Risk360 customer, all from an experienced Fortune 10 security officer (CISSP). 


Personally built Zscaler's official ZDTA and ZDTE study guides, with 3 more study guides on the way!

Manages a team of Zscaler authorized trainers, providing training to well over 1,000 individuals each year. 

Background Checks

Taking on any consultant brings a certain amount of risk, which is why major US-based corporations are delighted when they don't have to worry about it.

Most of Kevin's top Zscaler customers ran their own background checks, including drug screening, without any issues.

One True Goal

Get in, get the job done, then move on. That's the formula for continued Zscaler customer success. Where consultants and contractors are notorious for scope creep and making themselves artificially essential to your continued success, Kevin's goal is to get you the best environment in the least amount of time, all while showing you how to be operationally successful thereafter. 

Additional Consultants

Need more?

Kevin's own network of top consultants (all of whom are from top Zscaler customers) stands ready to be called into action. All US-based and sub-contracted whenever needed for any project. 

Priced Right

Because the value delivered should pay for itself. 

"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur. 

// Red Adair

Red Adair was right, of course. But that doesn't mean that professional services should be ridiculously expensive, either. So let's make this a no-brainer. Kevin's hourly contracted rate is just $155/hr. It's set based on the fact that you will likely need to sub-contract Kevin through one of your existing IT services partners, to which they will add just a bit for their own value-add. Even then, it's going to end up at a price that comfortably fits within any IT budget, reassured by the fact that Kevin's goal is not to accumulate hours, just success stories... in the least amount of time.  

Additional Considerations:

  • Whenever hiring any consultant, especially those being assigned to help by a vendor, get their resume first, then interview, seeking to really understand the role he/she will be playing. It's doubtful you will find a more experienced, well-regarded, and aligned candidate anywhere. 
  • We highly recommend working through one of your smaller IT services partners for onboarding. In our experience the larger partners feel threatened and react accordingly, whereas the smaller ones (those with master service agreements and a genuine willingness to put your interests first) are generally quite eager to help you succeed on your terms. 
  • Each of Kevin's deployment customers have been featured and recognized for their success at Zscaler's annual user's conference, Zenith Live! Such is the benefit of his only selectively taking on one major account at a time.